Christmas was definitely the best. I'll give you a run-down on what we did!
During the week everybody and their dogs were in Kingstown shopping and we could barely meet with any of our investigators. We weren't able to have much success in that area of the work but it was an okay week. We were able to do a lot of work with the members, strengthening them, but that was about it. In St. Vincent, Christmases are weird. This is throughout the west indies. The season isn't about traditions and family, it's about cleaning the whole house, putting new lanoleum down, new curtains, new couch cushions, etc. They work on their house all the way until Christmas eve. Christmas day they sit around, eat ham, and sleep. Haha merry christmas! They don't have as much fun traditions as we did back home. It was kinda sad cause more than half of the people we talked to don't like christmas, they just say it's too busy and too tiring. It is what you make it I guess. We made ours a blast. That's for sure!!
Friday Night the other elders came over and we began our christmas festivities. Like i said we took christmas lights and taped them to the wall in the shape of a large christmas tree. We drank tons of hot chocolate, and played Uno and dominoes. We watched Lion King for Christmas eve which was really fun. Christmas day was really fun. Woke up and opened our presents which was fun. It was so great to get your package on Christmas eve so i had some things to open. Haha it was a blast. We watched a couple more movies, including Princess and the Frog which i really liked, honestly. It was one of my favorites. We went out to the Brown's to give them a gift, Elder Welch bought their family the hymns on cd which the mom had ordered but Elder Welch paid for it and we delivered it to them. They gave us cake and ginger beer which i don't relaly like but the cake was good. Haha. Then we went to Sister Samuel's for lunch. They had a lot of family over so I felt a little out of place but it was fun. We played dominoes. Elder Carter and I beat Elder Baxter and Welch 9 times in a row, so they had to cook the pie we had for the evening and serve it to us as well. The meal was delicious. Lots of meat, lots of rice. They had dashin and fried plantain which was way good with the gravy. It was weird cause everybody but Sister Samuel and us were drinking rum and wine. This is the caribbean I guess. After we went back, watched a Christmas Carol then went to the church to talk to YOU!
Did i mention my favorite part of the day was talking to you on Skype?? That was so much fun to be able to see and hear you as well!! Bryce was way funny when he was dancing. That made me laugh pretty hard. Megan, to answer you, I did get the letter and the pictures from Kira! They made my weekend. Haha tell Kira thanks and I love her too! I'm going to draw a picture and send it back. It was so weird to see you on Skype. I was anticipating it all day though. We kept on saying "hey we get to see our family in... 5 hours." haha we're not trunky, just human. I loved it though. I miss all of you a ton and it was so fun to talk with you. For Mother's day we gotta do that again. If it's possible. I can't believe the time is running so short.
Mom, to answer your question, and to tell everyone else, my mission has been extended a week. This transfer was 7 weeks long. It was to solve an MTC problem i guess so the transfers are all a week later now. I'm being released on the 16th of June. Transfer day is tomorrow now. Which i'm staying with Elder Welch. I'm still crossing my fingers i get to serve with Elder Prince before our missions are through.
All in all, Christmas was way fun. Us 4 in St. Vincent made these district shirts which were really cool. It's a black polo shirt. ON the front is "vincy district" in pirates lettering, then above that is a skull with a santa hat on it. On the right sleeve it says WIM Christmas 2010. The left sleeve says our names. For me it's Morris. Hah. Then on the back is a big baptism symbol with snowflakes around it that says "I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas" They are really cool shirts. It was pretty expensive to make but way worth it.
It feels weird cause it was nice to take a rest from the work but now it feels weird getting back to work. I don't have any more time to write but know that i'm happy, life is good, work will be awesome this week and we're going to get a ton done. We are excited about the new transfer!
I love ya- Elder Morris
Friday, December 31, 2010
Don't you hate it when you have 25 minutes left at an internet cafe and you realize you have to use the restroom?? Goodness. One time I was in Guyana and I almost had an accident. I had to run out of the shop and over to Church's Chicken and use thier bathroom. Oh... the joys of third world country bowel movements. That was probably too much but hey that's a big part of a mission. Hah.
Merry Christmas!!! On Friday night we had our annual Christmas party. It started out interesting. We got there about 10 minutes before and nothing was set up or ready. We put out tables, got the food out, and then the branch president and those in charge showed up 30 minutes late. There were a lot of problems with the food after, for instead of a buffet they served those attending (about 70) one by one. Therefore instead of everybody getting food in a few minutes after an hour there was still some very hungry people waiting patiently (and most impatiently) for food. We had a lot of investigators there too, which was great they came but Shevorn with her 3 kids, all way young, was pretty upset. She was one that wasn't fed and she got up and left. Saturday was damage control as we went and talked to those that were obviously offended to help them build back up the trust and courage in their testimonies. It was a really fun program though. The best was seeing the primary kids get up there and sing some christmas carols. It was a fun event and it's fun to see people's attitudes and what a difference it makes. Some were just fine with waiting an hour. Brother Drakes, one of the nicest guys ever, just sat there patient. It's 9 o clock, he is starving, and he is partly crippled and has to walk an hour back to his home. But there he is with a big smile on his face. The members were relentless trying to feed us but it seemed like we were the only ones that noticed the unhappy guests. So they'd give us a heaping plate of delicious food and we'd just go and give it to someone that needed it more than we did. People were happier, we felt better, and although we went home hungry our bowl of cereal was just fine. Haha.
Over the weekend, the Travelling Assistants came to St. Vincent on their tour. This is the first time President has had travelling assistants. Elder Hicken, my ZL from Barbados went on splits with me on Saturday and it was a blast. All day we just were finding all these great people, having great lessons, and it was just way fun. Elder Hicken is from Holladay, and he is good friends with the Muir's. Do they have a son named Ryan? If so then yeah that's the right family. I was with Elder Lake on Sunday, he's from Bountiful. We had a great weekend, both Elder Welch and I. We found tons of just ready prepared people. Most weren't able to come to church but we finally have some great people to work with. I had been praying for it for a while and finally we were led to some great ones. Funny Story. On Sunday Elder Lake and I went to this member named Bailey. Now he is probably the hardest to understand person i've met from the west indies. Just mumbles. He's like 82 and has 25 kids (before he was a member thank goodness). Not married. We were there for like half an hour teaching him the lessons over again and all Elder Lake understood was Jesus is good and "amen" when he said the prayer. He's quite the character. Haha. Shevorn wasn't able to come to church again. She's got so many things in her way but she's doing well overall i guess... we can't keeep teaching if she doesn't come to church.
This week is going to be way fun. Friday night (christmas eve) we're getting together with the Kingstown missionaries and sleeping over in Calliaqua. We're buying pies and they're baking cookies. We're going to find a service activity to do in the morning and then at 1 Sister Samuel, a wealthy lady from England invited us to Lunch. The rest of the day we're going to Walilou bay where they filmed pirates of the caribbean and to some waterfalls up the west coast. Then we're going back to do calls and stuff. It'll be a fun christmas. I'm super excited. I still haven't gotten any packages. I'm crossing my fingers they come this week but if not oh well! I wasn't able to send my stuff home to you for christmas. They aren't sending normal packages to the states right now and DHL would cost like 200 bucks (EC) like 80 US. I decided to wait... haha.
I'm so grateful for all of you. Family has really been the most important thing to me. While in the past I wasn't the best example of it I am grateful the Savior is there to help me be better. I have so many fun memories on Christmas eve, watching It's a wonderful Life, reading christmas stories, and eating delicious food. It was a time to just be with the family. I can't wait for next year. I hope you all have a great week and an awesome Christmas!
Love ya, Elder Morris
Election fever! Every five years they have elections and today is election day. It's been so crazy this past month. It's just a huge grafitti war between ULP (red) and NDP (yellow) United labour party and new democratic party. It's not good at all. Violence and yellow and red paint all over everything. Huge conventions and parties all over the place. But luckily it's also christmas season so you hear christmas music and see houses begin to put lights up and there's a big christmas tree on the hill in our area that has blue lights all over it. It's that time of the year. It really doesn't feel like christmas though, again. It never does! It's going to be fun though. We'll probably hike to some waterfalls and stuff for christmas. then a member invited us to her house (which is way nice) and we're having lunch there. I don't know what time i'll call. I"ll let you know next week. It'd be better for you to call me though. It's a 3 hour difference.
This week was really crazy. Elder Welch was sick a couple days so i got time to write in my journal, read the scriptures, and write a bunch of letters. We found a few really cool people this week, saying that they all wanted to be baptized and come to the church on sunday but Sunday comes and it was really disappointing. The branch is really struggling and none of the investigators we have been working with came. That is just the culture in St. Vincent. Integrity is hard to find and nobody will put ther mind to do anyting. You ask them if they're coming Sunday and they say "God willing" or "I'll try to see if i can come". Even the members say that. It's embarrasing, really. We're trying so hard and sometimes it feels like we're trying to get through a concrete wall.
We did have some good things happen though! We challenged ilke i said Brother Lewis, the recent convert here, to read the book of mormon in 1 week. He finished the BOM on friday and read the entire doctrine and covenants on Saturday and Sunday. He did it! It really is changing him too. He has had such a hard past and it still has been bothering him a lot. He was happy though at church on Sunday, blessing the sacrament. It's way cool to see people just change because of the power of the scriptures. Just read them... Friday was an awesome day. We found several new people, 3 of them being very interested and look like great people to begin working with. They loved the restoration and all comitted to read, pray, and come to church, and be baptized. The work here is kinda weird, cause finding isn't too big of a problem, teaching isn't that big of a problem, it's just getting people to actually follow thruogh with what they commit to do, which not many of them do! It isn't osmething in our control either. We teach and find to the best ability that God has given us, letting the spirit touch them and testify of what we say, then they have the choice to listen and do what we invite them to do. It's so difficult to see the laziness of the people here take over and just say, "no i didn't get time at all. so busy" Even though they don't have a job and sit around doing nothing all day. Didn't get time? busy-ness is a choice. Can get very stressful. I'm happy though, don't worry. This week is going to be really good. We have the Christmas party this week at the branch which will probably get 60 people there even though there were only 30 at church. Oh, priorities...
As per your question on things for coming to pick me up. President Gamiette is fine with it, to a point. He just doesn't like it when they hang around the office and stuff. Just time for one quick visit to the office and usually you'll be there for the farewell dinner at the mission home. You should make sure and come for that. Guyana would be fun definitely to visit. I want you to see that country. It's gorgeous and so humble. I think a day to visit people and sightsee ( only really need a day for that) and then a day to go to Kaieteur Falls which i think is a must. It is expensive but look at pictures online of it. It's awesome! Trinidad would be good, but probably only for a day and a half or something. Only a few people to see there, really and to see maracas beach. That's about it in Trinidad. Then there's Barbados and St. Vincent. Barbados would be so much fun... if I could swim. Beaches are gorgeous there. It'd be fun to go there for a day. St. Vincent would probably be 2 days. There's a lot of stuff to do here and we could take a boat to a couple of the grenadines. It's awesome here. I really don't want to stretch the budget though. If it's too much which it probably is it's okay. Let me know what you think! It was really fun to see missionary's families come pick them up. If you want, you can call the mission office and talk with Sister Wheeler. Ask for her when you call and tell her you're Elder Morris' Mom and you had some questions. Haha.
Things really are going well here in St. vincent. We still have some great things to look forward to. Shevorn, our main investigator, has 3 kids under the age of 3 and that's what's really keepign her back from progressing. If she had more time she would be way faithful and baptized by now. I do lov eit here though. It's a beautiful country and there are some awesome people. The country has tons of hills and the roads are absolutely crazy. Driving here is intense. I'm taking lots of pics and videos so i can get a good depiction of it for ya. Haha.. I love ya much and I hope you are enjoying the Christmas season. I love the work and i love serving these people.
Love, Elder Morris
Hello to all!
This past week was pretty rainy. Whenever it rains in the West Indies nobody likes to have you inside your home and everyone becomes super busy and can't meet with you. It's pretty magical how that happens. A little rain and also you don'tave time to sit down and read the Book of Mormon for 5 minutes either. Don't you know this will save you? Goodness. It was a really tough weekend and from about 1-9 on Saturday we drove from member to investigator to member to investigator getting denied time after time after time. We were pretty tired of it. We tried tracting in the rain and it just was not working. I'm pretty embarrased sometimes for the culture here. Laziness...
We had a couple good experiences yesterday though. We saw Brother Lewis, a recent convert, who has had a dark past. I'll save you the details. needless to say he still feels trapped by his past and it's hard for him to see past it. We were talking about something completely different when I received the impression to challenge him to read the book of mormon from cover to cover, this week. He doesn't work so he has time. It was pretty cool. He accepted it and I promised him that a miracle will happen. Told him to expect one. Also there's this part member family here that the mom isn't a member but all the kids. The mom can't get baptized due to the fact she is not married. But she is way strong! she was fasting yesterday and they read together, have family home evenings, etc. She's a crazy good mom and she was asking us about the organization of the apostles and 70's and everything. She loves the church and would be one of the coolest members if she was one. It was just cool to see a converted person. Lots of the members just come to church but they don't do anything else. The church is more than just church.
I was wondering what you were thinking about coming to pick me up. Are you still thinking about it? If you are i think it'd be really fun. I really would love to go to Guyana for like 2 days and Trinidad for like 1 or 2. It'd be super expensive.... but think about it. I'm about 50/50. If you come that's great. If you don't? That's fine too.
As per our investigators, none of them made it to church but we're still praying and working with Shevorn, Christine, and the Brown's. they're pretty serious about it. We're praying for a white Christmas... Sometimes there's not much else we can do. We do the best we possibly can. LIke Pres. Monson says, "do your duty, that is best. Leave unto the Lord, all the rest." We're still working our hardest it was just a disappointing week. We saw the 1st pres. christmas devotional last night. Which was awesome. Just us 4 missionaries watched it at the church on the computer in the office. I love the church. Just seeing everything. Temple square. The church is definitely true.
I don't have my camera cord with me or else i'd send pictures. This week is going to be definitley better and we both have a clear confirmation from the Spirit that success is coming. Refiner's fire, right? This mission is so different from anywhere i can think of. West Indians are pretty hard-hearted. But God loves them and that's why we're here. Someone out here needs to hear the gospel. Look past the whiteness of our skin and realize that we're sent by God.. Someone will this week. I'll tell you about it next week. I'm excited to share with ya the success that happens this upcoming week.
I love you all and keep being awesome. I'm looking forward to the package!!!
Love, Elder Morris
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Hello to all!
This past week was way good. President said we could gather the district for a thanksgiving meal but only for 1 hour. We went grocery shopping on Monday and we saw that a real turkey was 463 dollars (EC) so like 180 US. We thought that'd be a bad idea. We decided to buy a bunch of steaks. Haha we had everything else though. We splurged and bought a cookies and cream pie and rootbeer, vanilla ice cream for root beer floats. Then we had a ton stuffing (stove top), mashed potatoes, gravy, corn, bread. It was a FEAST. We were pretty proud of ourselves. It turned out actually pretty good. The steaks were tasty, and everything else tasted like thanksgiving. We then played dominoes for a bit then had to go. Elder Carter and I went on tradeoffs which was way fun. Last time we served together was in Siparia, Trinidad when we were in the same district. We had a great day though. Thanksgiving was awesome. I am sure you all had a great one too.
We found some good success this past week too. We asked a recent convert if she knew any people that just have been having a hard time or something big like a new baby, death in the family, etc. She pointed us to a lady, Shevorn, that had been taught by missionaries in the past. She had a 2 day old baby when we met her and she was way humble and prepared for the truth. She told us nothing is holding her back now and that she wants to be baptized. She already had been reading the BOM every day and knows the church is true. She couldn't come to church but she'll be getting baptized on the 18th. On Saturday, we were teaching a less active lady and we asked her the same question. She pointed us to this new lady that moved in from Trinidad. We went over and taught her with the less active and her name was Christine. She told us that she was looking for the true church and she loved the restoration lesson. She came to church with the member next door yesterday and we gave her a book of mormon. She's really cool and is excited to learn more. There's also a part member family that is getting married soon. Once that happens the husband and daughter will be baptized. Hopefully before the end of the year. We're really seeing a lot of good things happening. We're working harder than ever and we're always happy. I loved this past week. We reached almost every single one of our goals we set for the week which is always a great thing.
Dad- you asked about my schedule. It's the same everywhere, mostly.
6:30 wake up. I excercise (perfect pushup, situps mostly) Eat cereal, oatmeal or a bagel with cream cheese.
8:00 studies. 1 hour personal and 1 hour companionship. The 1 hour always runs out way too fast. I wishe there was more but then there'd be less proselyting time.
10:00 Go outside and work. We come in aroudn 12:30 or 1 for a big lunch for just one hour. The unwritten rule in the mission is that we don't eat dinner because it's at such a prime time to proselyte. So we go without and just eat something small after we get home aorund 9. That way we get one more hour to teach or tract or something. I've gotten used to it, i don't get hungry.
9:00 plan for 30 minut. Then write in journal, etc.
10:30 bedtime.
that's my schedule!
Life is really good in St. Vincent. I love it here. There's crazy people everywhere, Rastas selling all sorts of stuff everywhere. There's churches on every corner and Seventh Day Adventists hate our guts. Everybody likes to argue here which gets way annoying. I just like to smile at them and just let them talk. Arguing goes nowhere. They'll go away just more convinced they're right. There's tons of hills here in this country. But the people mostly are nice and it's not too hard to find new investigators. The hard part is people's pride. One of the greatest barriers to people's progression is their unwillingness to let go of traditions and doctrine they've grown up with their whole lives and accept the revealed truths of the gospel. I hope you all know how much I love the gospel. One of the things i always love to tell people if they have any problems with anything is to pray until you feel better. I tried it last night. It was late, around like 11. I was reading some Liahonah's and the night kinda ended bad so i wasn't in too good of a mood. I knelt down and jus tprayed and prayed, unloading my concerns and desires before Heavenly Father. I then told him of my willingness to follow him and do whatver it takes to help the people here. I felt the assurance come and the peace come over me. Needless to say I went to bed feeling happy as a clam. I know this is the truth. That's not the question. I'd do anything for the gospel. I love this work and it's changing me. I just hope i can keep it up after my mission. \
Pictures are of Bro. Drakes and I scooping out the seeds of a calabash. He sells these to tourists. The other ones are of our p-day today. We waded in ankle deep water out to this island in our area. It was way fun. Haha
So there were some cool things that happened this week. Well some were good some were not so good.
First way funny thing. In the mission we get 10 contacts each day as a companionship. Because Elder Carter and Welch went to Trinidad for training, Elder Baxter and I were companions for half the week. On monday night we were getting contacts in Kingstown. We had 7 by 8:45 and it was about time to drive back. We walked past this restaurant and this big fat guy, the owner came up to us and said "buy 2 hamburgers right now. We need to close." I was like what? I don't have time/money for that. "Buy them right now. 2 for 1. buy one get one free. 7 dollars (EC). Well that i couldn't turn down. We walked in and bought the burgers, and the crew working there was really friendly. We ended up talking to and contacting all of them. In 3 minutes we got a free burger, 3 contacts and we could go home and sleep. However we were walking down the street and this vagrant asked us for food. I was holding a free hamburger in my hand. I felt bad so i gave him the burger and he gulped it down. A few minutes later we were talking to this group of people when i saw a hundred dollar bill on the ground. I picked it up and asked anyone if they lost some money. This one girl that was walking further up said she lost a hundred dollars and I showed her it and gave it to her. I pray she really did lose the money. Lots of people would just lie and say it's theirs. But i've never given so much within 5 minutes in my life. A hamburger and 100 dollars. Haha it was a pretty funny moment.
Next crazy thing. Lots of rain on Saturday morning. I looked outside and i noticed that our parking lot was full of water. Hmm. i look outside and see the river next to our apartment overflowing the bank. It was like 10 feet higher than usual. Just rushing on and flooding the town. I then look through the door and see water begin to come through the bottom of the door. We grabbed all the stuff on the ground, putting it on our couches and beds and then watched as tons of water just flooded our apartment building. From 9-2 we scooped and cleaned the water out. We helped other apartments too. That was pretty crazy though. Haven't seen that much water before. Some pictures are included. The one with the missionary is Elder Welch.
As per the missionary work, it's really not going too well right now. We don't have a lot of cool investigators. Only a couple. There's a lot of people that could be baptized if they had their marriage issues figured out. We had a record high at church though, 52! That was the most they've had in the past like 6 months. Elder welch has been working in this area for 5 months. He goes home in January. We work way hard together though and we are going to see a lot of good results come just now. I'm happy as always and i pray that we have more investigators. We do have this one guy Darcy who's read through 1 Nephi and loves it he just needs to come to church. He could be baptized within a few weeks. I'll update you more on the work next week. I don't have any time left though. Putting the pictures on took a long time with this computer. I love you all though and I'm grateful for everything you all do.
Elder Morris
PS: Elder Nelson, Ryan, I got your letter this week! I'll reply to ya. Love ya buddy.
St. Vincent is beautiful! I flew in Wednesday morning and landed at E.T. Joshua airport. He was a past prime minister here and also a member of the church. I think he's dead now. Cool fact though. The airport was way ghetto. In one small room, probably the size of our kitchen and living room side by side, there was immigration, the place to pick up luggage, and customs, with the exit right behind customs. Falling apart. Needless to say the grandeur of the Barbados airport was 1000 times better than this. St. Vincent is really cool though. the people are a lot more humble here than other islands i've been to. There are some great members in the Calliaqua branch. There's only 4 missionaries on the island. 2 in Kingstown Branch, Elder Carter and Baxter, whom i knew in trinidad, and us 2 in Calliaqua. Elder Welch and I get along just fine and we're working hard. Calliaqua branch is struggling right now but things are turning around. They've had recent baptisms lately and we have some great less actives we're working with.
It was sad to leave Barbados. Said goodbye to it on Tuesday. Because the area was being blanked I had to stay up way late Tuesday updating the area book and making sure i left adequate instructions for the next missionaries. Elder Hoepel is still in Barbados but just another area. We sure had a lot of fun together. He's planning to visit utah in 10 years and always says he's gonna give my wife a big hug. We'll see, Elder Hoepel.
Elder Prince actually served in this same area last year. He baptized this awesome family, the Williams' who are still doing great. I wish we were serving together but I'm still prayin for it. This past week we worked our butts off. The apartment here is pretty nice. Lots of ants, mosquitoes, but other than that we have A/C, hot shower, so we're lucky. Not many apartments in the West indies have that. I don't have tons of time left, sorry. I wrote President a lengthy email. Things are going well though and I'm happy. I'll send some pictures next week of the island and me and Elder Welch.
Love ya!
Elder Morris
PS: Funny experience of the week. We went to a less active's house, Gracie, here in Calliaqua. I ate these small "tree tree cakes" that she gave us. I didn't know what they were at the time. Tasted weird. A little fishy and kinda like fried flour stuff like phollourie or stuff like that. Turns out she likes to catch these small fish pronounced "Tree trees" I don't think that's how they're spelled but that's how it sounded. She catches the fish which are like an inch long each in a net then puts them in this flour batter stuff then fries them in little cakes that look like oatmeal cookies. The whole fish. Bones eyes and everything. Tasted... alright. They were fine when i ate them then when i figured out what they were they all of a sudden didn't taste too good. I'd eat them again but that was sure a surprise. haha!
Elder Nathan Morris
PO Box 601
Kingstown, St. Vincent
West Indies
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Sunday Morning I got a phone call from President telling me of my transfer to St. Vincent. I've only been here 3 months. I am going to miss it here so much. I have really loved serving in Barbados. I've really grown to love the people here. The country itself is just gorgeous. I really would love to come back here. Even just for a short vacation.
I'm going to Calliaqua, St. Vincent. I"ll have a car and my companion will be Elder Welch. He goes home very soon. I hear he is a very hard worker so I know next transfer we'll be able to get a lot of things done. I really was pretty disappointed to get that transfer call. Oh well. After a lot of prayer I know it's what is best for me. This is truly where the Lord needs me. I felt it and know it.
Sherneal wasn't baptized this past week. She's super ready and 100 percent converted though. She is one of the coolest converts I've taught. Knows without doubt that this is the true restored gospel. Her testimony really has strengthened mine. She just was given one more week by President for some other reasons.
This past week was actually really, really good. We worked our butts off and got a ton done. Gloria and her whole family came to church this past weekend which was awesome to see. They are way cool. Church really was great yesterday. A lot of less actives and investigators we'd been working with came. Black Rock will have a few baptisms coming up that's for sure. It was pretty random. We met lady from Canada who served a mission in France. She had been praying for help because she didn't know where anything was where she had a room for the night and she saw us walk by. "Elders!" We turned and she was way cool. Came to church Sunday with her non-member aunt who we're now teaching and wants to be baptized. I love the West Indies.
Dad to answer some of your questions.
I do have a tan. It's the best it'll ever get. I only put sunscreen on my nose. that' sthe only part that burns now. The rest is just a mild tan. Which is the reason you don't see it very well.
There isn't too many bugs here in Barbados. Mosquitos a bit but nothing bad at all. Guyana there's tons, trinidad there's a lot but here it's fine. Lots of little lizards, a bird loves to come into our apartment and steal the bread. That's about it.
Playing the piano. A member here knows how to play. I play sometimes for district meetings but that's basically it. I get to practice a lot because we have a keyboard in the apartment which is pretty awesome.
We did well w/ith our money this transfer. I do however need to buy some things today. Other than that it's been fine.
I dunno that's pretty much it for me. I hope things are going well for you all. I love you and miss you.
Elder Morris
New address!!!
PO BOX 601
Kingstown, St. Vincent
West Indies
I don't know if you get news of the West Indies in your neck of the woods but we had Tropical Storm pass through Barbados on Saturday. It was almost classified as a hurricane but it is now as it heads towards Jamaica. It hit Barbados then St. Lucia and St. Vincent, then went all the way up. Saturday I woke up at 6:30 like always but noticed it was windy outside. Hmmm... that's not good. It was way strong. Power went out around 9 in the morning and several large trees around us were blown down. We could see someone's roof was completely torn off. We were on the phone with many of the missionaries throughout the day. There was a curfew in place all day so no one was allowed outside. The strong winds and rains lasted until around 1 or 2 and it was just off and on the rest of the day. The Zone leaders apartment still doesn't have power haha. We were pretty lucky in black rock. It didn't get hit too hard but the eastern part of the island there were tons of floods and houses being washed away. One of our investigators, Theresa lost her home. All the members are okay, nothing too damaging but some lost part of their roof and their fences and stuff like that. We were safe, we just stayed inside and read Ensign articles all day. I caught up on my journal, took a nap, etc. We're lucky it wasn't a hurricane when it hit us or else it would have been a lot worse! It kinda hurt our week pretty bad. Due to a lot of the members having trouble with their houses they didn't have church yesterday but we got approval and all the missionaries met up and took the sacrament at the Sisters' apartment with the Boman's (senior couple here). The rest of the day yesterday was lame, everybody was shopping, fixing their houses, and nobody wanted our help. Everybody was too preoccupied. Sad event hitting the west indies. No fatalities, just a lot of damaged houses.
Friday we had the coolest lesson with Sherneal. She had been having doubts about a lot of things about the church, mostly baptisms for the dead and the kingdoms of glory. On Wednesday she had come to institute and she said that everything taught was just for her. She got home in tears just thinking about all the things she had been taught and wrote in her journal which she read to us on Friday, "Today I decided I would not have anymore doubts concerning the church. I have decided to join the faith and put all doubts behind. I know it's the right thing to do and I know this is the truth." She said the next day after she wrote that she felt peace and love inside all throughout the day. We invited her to be baptized next Sunday and she accepted one-time (quickly). She is way excited to be baptized and she knows it is the truth. One of the coolest lessons/experiences i've had.
Bazil was interviewed and wasn't ready for baptism yet. He hasn't received a testimony yet and so we'll continue to help. We've tried almost everything we can do but we'll keep trying.
Wednesday I went on tradeoffs with Elder Thomas and we had a blast. He's the funniest guy. We taught our investigator Everett and he asked us "so what do I have to do to get baptized? How long does it take? When's the soonest I can be baptized?" We told him and gave him a baptismal date which he accepted. It was a cool lesson haha i love being asked those questions. We met with him later in the week and he wasn't as cool. He just talked the entire time. Asking us if he understood what he was telling us. I said "Everett, I assure you. We understand everything you are telling us." He replied "You sure? You better be sure to understand what I am saying. You know the gospel, when you preach it, you better be sure to apply the things you teach. You youngsters don't really understand." I wasn't very happy. I bit my tongue and just stayed quiet. I am not usually a fan when people despise your youth. They don't think that we actually know what we're talking about. I know what it's like to repent. I know what it's like to change my life. I know what the power of the atonement feels like. Nothing anybody says can change my mind for I know these things and have felt them. Everett is still doing alright, he's reading the book of mormon but he doesn't really let us teach him anything. He just complains about how hard life is. We try to help and really teach him things he needs but he won't let us. I guess we'll keep trying.
Funny thing. On tradeoffs we passed a house that had a big sign with red paint saying "NO JEHOVAH WITNESSES." We laughed pretty hard and called into the house. They didn't come outside. 5 minutes later we were teaching somebody down the street and the lady said "You're not Jehovah Witnesses are you?" We said no and she said "Thank goodness, I just can't stand them!" It was pretty funny..
Transfers are next Wednesday. I find out where I'm going on thursday so I'll let you know next week. Who knows where i'll be. Probably still here in Black Rock. I wouldn't mind. I love it here. It's been fun. I'd love to serve in a couple more countries though. I have 3 flags under my belt right now which is pretty cool but it'd be fun to go other places. I gotta email President but it sounds like everyone had fun for halloween. Nobody really celebrates it here. Some do and it's getting more popular. They only started celebrating it 2 years ago here. We saw some decorations in a hallmark store here but that's it. Happy Halloween! I love ya all.
Elder Nathan Morris
Apartment 6 Eagle Towers
Washington Avenue
Black Rock, St. Michael
Barbados, West Indies
Was great! It's always fun to see a lot of your past companions and friends at zone conferences. Missionaries from Grenada and St. Vincent flew in for the conference. I got to talk a lot with Elder Carter and Elder Jones, got to meet some new people I never had met before. It was a blast. Of course that wasn't the highlight. President Gamiette taught us all about "Holiness". what it means and how to achieve it. How we are building temples within ourselves and with the people around us. It was a great conference. We learned a lot, practiced a lot of teaching skills, etc. In one role play I was teaching with Elder Howe. We were teaching Sister Gamiette. At one point in the role play Elder Howe was testifying of the Savior. The spirit was way strong, even in this simple practice teaching experience and Sister Gamiette started to cry. She's like "this is the first time this has ever happened in a zone conference!" President joked about it with us after and said we're gonna get it for making his wife cry. They are way cool though. I love President and Sister Gamiette. They're gems.
My interview was pretty great. He talked a lot about the changes he's seeing taking place with me and with the other missionaries and he told me how proud he was of all the changes. I wish interviews happened more often cause every 3 months? That means i only have 2 left? Not counting time or anything it's just too bad i won't get many more interviews/zone conferences. I really pray/hope that i'll be able to serve with Elder Prince. It'd be the coolest thing ever. Going home after having served together in the Caribbean. That would be the best.
This week was really good. Because of conference we didn't have as much time to get all the things done we needed to. But we worked our bottom's off. Bazil has a baptism date for this upcoming sunday. He is doing a ton better and at church he was beginning to participate in the lessons. It was pretty great to see. We've started workign with a less active/part member family who are awesome. Sister White and her daughters. Way fun family. They are really going to work on coming back into full activity and one of the daughters is 12 and hasn't been baptized so it'll be fun to keep completing the family. We had a lot of fun this week. Sherneal however didn't come to church.. She said she couldn't catch a bus.
I don't really know what else to report on. I had a dream Wednesday night that Mom was with me in Barbados and she looked at me and said "it's going to rain tomorrow". It rained a lot the next afternoon. Haha it was kinda cool. I've had some crazy dreams on my mission and it's been fun to write them down. I've written like 90 of them. Call me crazy. Actually my name's Elder Morris and I like the way I am.. :D
Well enjoy the week, hopefully we baptize this week. Bazil is doing better but i'm not sure if he's ready for baptism. The interview will tell the tale i guess. He needs the church so much in his life. He's had it rough. I'll send pictures next week :)
Much Love,
Elder Morris
Monday, October 25, 2010
i have been HORRIBLE at keeping up this blog. sorry! here are the last several letters from Nate.
Hey Family!
This week was pretty great. We're still working with Bazil. Hopefully should be ready for baptism this weekend. We've been teaching him every day and he came to church and he has the desire, but I don't know if the testimony is 100 percent there. We taught him at the church with a member this past week and we watched Finding Faith in Christ with him then bore testimonies on the Savior and the Atonement. It was a great lesson, the spirit was felt and I think it helped him realize the seriousness of the gospel. Sometimes people, especially here, think religion is just for looks. They seriously do believe in God, and Christ, but the common belief is that it's "all one God" and that religion doesn't matter, cause in the end we'll all be saved. All you have to do is believe in Christ. The 1st Counselor in the Branch Presidency here said it perfectly. "There's a bar on every corner in Barbados, and for every bar, there's a church right next door." No exaggeration really. There's 2 bars across the street from our church and a church right next to them. It's pretty sad. Mom you were talking about how Vegas is just a sad place with all the wickedness it has. That's just how the world is i've seen. Guyana, Trinidad, Barbados, all the same really. Hearts set upon the vain things of this world. It's hard to break people of their traditions.
That's why we need the spirit in our work.. We had a cool experience this past week teaching a lady we tracted into. We were just listening, teaching to whatever she needed, trying our hardest to listen and let the spirit guide our thoughts and words. Near the end of the lesson it felt like we were just talking. Like we weren't really helping her understand. But after testifying of the restoration and inviting her to be baptized, her accepting, then inviting her to say a kneeling prayer, she told Heavenly Father that she's never felt like this in her life. That she knew our message was true, and that she has the desire to be baptized. It was amazing. The whole time the spirit had been working in her. We were just messengers. What we said didn't really matter, but what she felt from the Spirit is what really mattered. It was great.
Didn't do anything this morning for P-day. Just relaxed, wrote letters, cleaned the apartment. President and the AP's are here for a leadership training meeting with like 25 other missionaries in the island zones. Having meetings this week. I get to see a lot of old friends. Elder Noah is going home next week and I really hope we get to go on splits one of these nights that they are here.
I'm doing just great though, no problems in my neck of the woods. We're working our hardest. I can assure you of that. We're not seeing tons of success but I gotta remember that it took 14 years for the Sons of Mosiah to have their success. Haha. I do love the work and I'm happy to be in this paradise of Barbados, no matter what riff raff comes along with it.
I love ya-
Elder Morris
Pictures included. 2 from the caves last week, 1 of the church, 1 of me, and one of the apartment building.
Can't believe this'll be the 3rd general conference of my mission this weekend.
Of course I'm stoked for it.. President Eyring's my main man. Get the popcorn folks!!
This past week was just great. We had a lot of fun working hard this week. On Monday we got a call from a lady, Sherneal, who just said "hey I got this number from a friend and I need to talk to someone about God. Do you talk to people?" I said yes and she wanted to meet with us as soon as possible. The next morning she was at the church. Her friend is a member who had already taught her the restoration and given her a book of mormon. She had already read Moroni Chapter 10. We retaught the restoration. she is going through a lot right now and Her family does not want her to meet with us but she said she needs to talk with people about God and religion. She is awesome. She read a lot and had lots of questions each time we taught. She is excited and is preparing for baptism on the 16th of October. We met with her a few more times during the week and came to church. She's about 23 or 24 and has a kid and so when she got to church the young single adult sisters in the branch just flocked to her. Made friends with her, talked with her, and are coming with her to conference this next weekend. General Conference is only shown at the branch in the Christ's Church parish so all of us will be going there.
We've also been teaching this guy, Forde. He is an interesting man for sure. He knows so much about the bible and funny enough has the same beliefs as we do about everything. He always says after we teach him "you know, no other church teaches what we're talking about right?" We're like "yeah we know." He calls himself the professor and says that we are the students but I can tell that he notices something different about us. He is a great guy. he's coming to conference this weekend, all 5 sessions. And he said that if he does find out that this is the truth, he will be baptized. We'll see how it goes!
Being in black rock we have some interesting experiences. Wednesday was an interesting one for sure. We were going up to teach a family and one of our investigators, Anand, stumbled upon us on the side of the road. He was very, very, drunk. He was smoking and burning himself with a cigarette. He's a 19 year old indian from Guyana and his girlfriend had just broken up with him. His girlfriend was the daughter of the family we're teaching, she's 14.... yeah I know. Weird. Illegal in most countries.. But we sent him home, got rid of the cigarettes and he came to church on Sunday. Just a weird experience. He kept on saying stuff like "Man, she wanted to spend the rest of her life with me, man!" "She didn't know what true love was, man" As he fought through his drunken tears. It was sad, but a little humorous. Interesting people in the west indies that's for sure.
We had a lot of good successes this past week and I am really starting to like this area, even with all the quirks that come along with it. This past week we actually got transfer calls. I should have told you transfers were coming up. I'm staying here in black rock with a missionary named Elder Lubberink. He's from the Netherlands I think and has been serving in Suriname. He used to be a professional ballroom dancer and is actually a really cool guy. I've met him in Trinidad a couple times and he is pretty cool. Elder Hoepel sadly enough is leaving and is going to Suriname to serve. He actually is serving in the city right next to where his family lives.. That's definitely going to be a trial for him, since he'll see his mom all day saturday and all day sunday at general conference. Haha. I've had a blast with Elder Hoepel. He always talks about how in 10 years he's going to come and visit Utah and give my wife a big hug. I'm gonna miss him.
This morning for P-day we went to Bathsheba. A surfing beach here. It was amazing. We gathered coconuts and broke them open, drank the water and ate the coconut itself. That was a lot of fun and we took some great pictures. A few are included.
The work is progressing here and we're seeing great things happen. I love you all and I am grateful for this blessing I've been given to serve in this beautiful part of the world.
Elder Morris
PS: Mom- Tell Bev to send Matt's email to me. I'd love to hear updates of him. I like to see what's goin on with Ryan too.
I"m not with Elder Lubberink. I"m with Elder Hoepel still! There was an emergency transfer so he's still with me. NEver left. So yeah he's my companion for the next 6 weeks! I'm grateful. He's way fun.
I'm a big fan of general conference. If i had facebook i'd click "become a fan."
Loved ALL of it. President Uchtdorf's jokes, Elder Holland's talk, and my main man President Eyring gave some amazing talks as well. Elder Nelson's talk on missionaries was great. It was fun to be able to stand up when he invited all the full time missionaries to. I loved all of conference, took many notes, and now wish i had all the audio files on my ipod so i could listen again and again. I learned a ton. When I saw Elder Ballard's talk i laughed thinking that dad is probably just way happy that he's talking about fly fishing. Reminded me of one of your Lead the Way's, Dad. The one about matching the hatch. Kudos.
This past week was pretty good. We had a funny experience on Friday. We had an appointment in Speightstown which is like 45 minutes bus ride away. He sounded very cool and so we were excited to go. We go there suffering through a smelly packed bus ride and loud dancehall music then find he wasn't there. didn't answer his phone and was nowhere to be found. We called him before we left and he said we could come and he'd be there. Oh well. We were walking around and found a lady that had been taught by missionaries like 30 years ago. We were helping her shave off palm leaves to make brooms and her friend walks by and says, hey, the mormons used to teach me like 24 years ago in St. Vincent. We invited both of them to learn more and bore our testimonies and they both weren't very interested but they were very friendly and I thought it was just cool how we were in the right place at the right time.
Bazil came to conference and when we asked him how it was he said "it was ok." We tried to get him to tell us what he learned and he didn't answer us. We're pretty sure he isn't 100 percent there mentally. We're praying and trying to figure out what to do but no answer yet. We'll keep trying.
Sherneal and Mr. Forde didn't come. Sherneal is still doing good but we're not going to teach Mr. Forde anymore. He doesn't think we can offer him anything more than what he knows. Well see how it goes when we teach a drop lesson to him.
We found some cool people this week but i don't like talking about them before we really know if they're going anywhere. We really have to filter so many people. We'll get like 10 new people a week but only 1 or 2 really go anywhere. I really have to improve.
Mom- You asked about what we could plan when I'm going home. I need to talk about it with Elder Prince but his mom and fam is coming to pick him up and if we somehow worked something out where we could do it together would be fantastic. Just an idea. I will think about it more this week and let you know next week what i think.
Loved how Conference talked a lot about building yourself up and making sure that your foundation is there. Doing all the basics and being 100 percent obedient like Elder Kearon talked about. (loved that talk). I'll keep trying. I'm privileged and blessed to be here and I'm grateful for the things I've learned and all that you do back home.
I love ya-
Elder Morris
District Conference was this past weekend. It was great to see President Gamiette again. Haven't seen him in 2 months. It's so weird not being around him all the time. I definitely took that for granted. He taught great. The priesthood session, we were invited to, he told everybody simply: "I do not have an agenda. No planned talk. So, what questions do you have?" After a few minutes of getting everyone comfortable they started to ask questions. President, with the spirit as his companion, then was able to answer all of their questions in a masterful way and teaching the things that the leaders here really did need to know. It was awesome. It all went perfect. Haha. Sunday session the district presidency was released and a new one called. Not much was happening with the old one and President made a quick move to get things going here in Barbados. The new one is way good.
Our week was alright. A lot of our investigators are not progressing really... We got this guy Troy who has been in prison, loves looking for fast money, and has absolutely nothing right now. The first lesson was cool. the second lesson was alright, then the third lesson we realized after he kept on talking about how he's waiting for a miracle and waiting for someone to reach down and pick him up in the form of money. We had the realization that he somehow thinks that the church can just give him a bunch of money and send him to the states. we put things pretty simply and taught him some o fthe commandments to see if he is willing to do the work to become a part of God's fold. We'll see how it goes. It was pretty funny though. Forde was dropped yesterday. We asked him if he'd prayed about the book of mormon like he said he would and he said "I don't have to pray. God has given me a brain and reasoning powers. I already know the book of mormon is true because it agrees with the Bible 100 percent. I will NOT pray about it!" His pride is robbing him of his faith, really. He is a cool guy but we aren't going back for awhile.. If he comes to church, and wants us to come back we'll start again i guess.
I'm getting better at cooking. Haha Sunday I cooked some chicken tenders up, fried them in oil with tons of really good seasoning. Then I had penne pasta and tomato sauce. Yeah it's easy but it's better than eating fast food, mac and cheese, tuna fish sandwiches, or spaghetti. I really like to eat quick and get like a half hour extra to study the book of mormon instead of taking 45 minutes just to cook. This week i'm giong to try to cook curry shrimp and rice. I'll let you know how it goes.
This week is going to be a really good one. I'm excited to find a lot of new people this week. I love this work. I'm growing all the time, not really physically. Technically i'm shrinking. Losing a lot of weight. Which is good. Using the perfect pushup too which is awesome. Haha.
Mom, don't worry about the length of your emails. I love long emails! Haha and Dad, thanks for the picture. Pretty funny to see me like... 10 years ago.
I love ya all, don't worry about me, things are going fine.
Love, Elder Morris
PS: I was thinking about it more, Mom, and if it's possible to work something out with Elder Prince and his family I think it'd be fun if you came down. But either way is fine with me. Money is tight lately and it's totally fine if you don't come and pick me up. I'd be fine either way.
What do you think?
Heelloooooooo! La la la.... I can't spell Sienfield? Dang i've been away for awhile...
Anyways... this week was pretty good. We got to clean up the yard of a cool member family, the Miller's. It took 3 hours Thursday morning and Friday morning as well. My back still hurts. We killed 5 huge centipedes and their yard has never looked better. Haha it was way fun. I miss doing service. There was a lot we could help with in Guyana but lately nobody likes accepting help from you. I didn't take any pictures but Elder Hoepel and I had a blast.
We found a lot of new people this week but really in weird situations and ones that aren't going to progress too quick if at all. One such person, his name being Paul, call name being "Turkey", was rather ridiculous. He was proud to tell us he has 3 kids, the oldest being 20, and with three different moms, and has a different girlfriend right now. Also he was happy to pull out his marijuana stash and roll some up and while offering us, giving it to his friend who began to smoke it. We left but he wants us to come back... The west indies is definitely an interesting place.
We have zone conference tomorrow which i'm way excited for. I am extremely excited to have an interview with President Gamiette. I haven't had one for a long time with him with the new schedule. I feel like i've never done better in my mission than i am doing right now, but i still feel like i'm not at all as good as I could be. It seems to be an ongoing battle. You'll improve in one area you were struggling in then as soon as you climb that mountain you'll soon realize that there's an even larger mountain to climb just ahead. There's so much to improve on. Yet so little time to do it in. Only 2 hours to study during the morning and it doesn't feel like it's enough sometimes. How did I manage when I was home and it was hard for me to even read a little bit a day? I'm just grateful for the things i've learned and can hopefully continue to do when I get home. I love this work so much and while i may look back and see things i should have done better, regrets you could say of not doing my best at a specific time, but then I have over 7 months left where I can pick it up and do my best. Personal progression really is amplified in this short time i'm out here. I'm so grateful for the choice i made to come. I wish every one could go on a mission.
Our main investigator Sherneal is doing great. She is reading and praying and has a testimony of the BOM and Joseph Smith but the only thing that's holding her back from even accepting a baptismal date is baptisms for the dead. She's worried about it and doesn't want to set a baptism date until she knows it's true. so that's what we'll focus on this week. Elder Hoepel always encourages me. I was downhearted about it. That she wasn't doing as good as she really could be but he just says, "Don't you know we're doing God's work? We're led by the spirit. We're doing the best that we can. Whatever happens it's what is supposed to happen." Elder Hoepel is right and I need to TRUST in that more often. I love Presidnet Eyring's talk on trust. We can all learn to trust in God more. I sure need to. Things are going well here in Barbados. My curry beef and rice turned out great and was very tasty. I am making more this week :D. Rita from trinidad told me how to make it and is sending me roti with the AP's this week when they come for zone conference. Haha. I love this place. Nothing like the West Indies!
I love ya all!
Elder Morris
Elder Nathan Morris
Apartment 6 Eagle Towers
Washington Avenue
Black Rock, St. Michael
Barbados, West Indies
Monday, September 13, 2010
September 13, 2010
Did I tell you there's a psychiatric hospital in our area? Pretty funny. We walk by and they always start yelling at us. Black Rock is an interesting place, that's for sure.
So this week, we went on trade-offs this week. I got to go to St. Philip with Elder Babbel. He's in my group so it was pretty fun. I got to drive a big Toyota HiLux (basically a toyota tundra right hand drive). It was way powerful. We did some good work, rewarded ourselves with milkshakes from "Cheffete" which is a fast food place with almost everything. Roti, chicken, burgers, the works. Good though. The rest of the week was actually pretty tough. We'd have full days and backups for every appointment, and almost everything, every single day, fell through. We tried to work as hard and smart as we could. We did alright. We taught a lot of lessons but our main progressing investigators weren't really progressing this week. All except for Bazil.
Bazil is doing great. He is reading and praying every single day. He was asked at church on Sunday when he's getting baptized and he said, "well.. I'm praying about getting baptized on the 25th." He seems happy and enjoying church, and step by step we're trying to teach him the doctrine behind it all. It was branch conference Sunday and it was great. 2 great talks by the district.
Overall we've seen a refining process going on lately in the mission and in the areas. President is really focusing on the doctrine of repentance and becoming 100 percent obedient in order to receive in fulness the blessings of the Holy Ghost. It's really something i've personally been fasting/praying for and I've seen changes happen to me. My desire is strengthened and I'm continuing to be happier and hard working every single day.
I can't believe you are having so much fun! Amy traveling the US and you all going to San Diego and Cancun. What??? I'm happy for you and it sounds like you're having a great time. I'm praying for ya and I'm grateful for all the things I've been blessed with out here in the gorgeous country of Barbados. Today we were in "Animal Flower Cave" at the most northern part of the island. That was pretty neat. Took some fun pictures, I'll attach one for ya. well i tried but not working today. next week! We're having fun here but all of us missionaries here in Barbados are doin great things as well. I'm grateful with how the Lord has blessed us.
I wish i could send more pictures of stuff like the church and things but I don't have many pictures. More next week for sure.
I got the package!! Got it tuesday. Picked it up from the post office. It was awesome!!! Thank you so much for the new socks, perfect pushup, all the candy and the cd's. Ryan the Tie is great too. Haha. The socks have already gone through a lot. This week was RAIN. On Wednesday we were stuck under a shop in tons of rain while the streets turned in to 1 foot deep rivers. Stuck for like an hour until it let up a little. Then started back bad by the time we got back to the apartment for lunch.
I love you all -
Elder Morris
Monday, September 6, 2010
September 6, 2010
Hey everyone!
This week was pretty good. We're teaching some interesting (in a good, funny way) people. We got 4 people at church but only 1 of those is really progressing. This guy named Peterson. He's the recent convert, Janis', friend. He is way cool. He wants to get baptized but doesn't think he's ready. He's been to church 4 times. On saturday a ton of our appointments fell through so it was a TON of walking in the hot sun just trying to talk to everybody we could. We saw Peterson 5 times during that day. He was like, "Elder Morris this can't be a coincidence! I'm coming to church tomorrow no matter what!" Even though Janis was sick and didn't come he came on his own and he is doing great.
Other than that we're still teaching that guy, Bazil, but he couldn't come to church but he is doing fine. Other than that we're working hard and trying our best to find some cool people. We're teaching a cool family of 6 that is from Guyana and so we're excited about the potential there. Even in Barbados some of the best people I know are from Guyana. Haha. I miss that place.
This morning we were at the beach just messing around and we buried Elder Hoepel in the sand. Turned him into a Merman with a large trident. It was way funny. Took some good pictures and had some good fun on the white sand. I really am learning to love this place. Even though the people are sometimes a bit crazy. We've met some great people and we're having a lot of fun while doing the work.
I haven't gotten the package yet but question. Did Elder Damm ever come by the house and drop of the stuff I gave him to take? Steelpan and some other random souvenir stuff. I hope he did. He said he was but i'll email him and check. Things are going great on this part of the world. Elder Hoepel is a really funny missionary and we're always makin jokes. He's fun to serve with. He speaks good english so teaching with him isn't a problem at all. People think he's like 16 but he's really 21.
I don't really know what else to report this week. That's about it for us. My feet ache and my legs are sore but just another day in the life. Wouldn't trade this time for anything else.
Love, Elder Morris
Monday, August 30, 2010
August 30, 2010
Hello America!
This morning we went to "the crane." Supposedly one of the nicest beaches in Barbados, thus one of the best in the world. The sand was fantastic. It was almost milky. Weird but it was awesome. Elder Jones and I buried ourselves in the sand up to our knees and we played football and cricket. Way fun.
This past week was tough but better than last week. We've been working with this guy Bazil who says a spirit inside him won't let him pray. But.. we're trying to figure out what to do. He's reading the Book of Mormon but having trouble getting an answer to his prayers because of the evil spirit inside of him. I've never dealt with anything like this so we're definitely in new territory. Thank goodness for the priesthood we have. He came to church and that was cool so we're still working with him.
We still don't know a ton of members here and although we're getting a bigger teaching pool we still have a lot of downtime. Which means a ton of walking around and talking to everybody we can. It's goin alright though. But the days can feel very long sometimes. Church yesterday was interesting... to say the least. Our branch president, well let's just say a change needs to be made. He has no enthusiasm and causes a lot of contention. We're trying to figure out what to do about him but we'll figure out something.. It's cool though. A lot of the active members have been active for 20+ years. So they know the gospel well but they're comfortable with the way things are, but things need to be changed. It's a trial and member work is hard to come by but we're still trying.
I've been reading a ton of the BOM still and it's fantastic. I"m loving every minute of it. Learning tons and feeling the spirit more and more. I've realized that if we want to become better and feel the spirit more we have to sacrifice more and be more obedient. So, i've been doing that and i've been gaining a strong testimony of that process since. I love the book of Mosiah. It is sweet! To see the hand of the Lord in delivering his righteous people. It's such a common theme and still happens, even today. Look at the pioneers and the early saints. Same kind of thing. However like in Mosiah 23 how it said the lord seeth fit to chasten his people. We'll ALWAYS have trials. that's what gets us better and stronger.
To answer some questions: Mom, Barbados was part of the Puerto Rico San Juan East mission, which was Billy Oden's mission. He served in Oistins Barbados and i see his name on records and stuff which is fun. He's way sweet and did great here. Also, Elder Hoepel does know dutch. But we've only met one person that can speak dutch, so it doesn't really help.
WEll that's about it from here. Lots of trials, lots of blessings. We're working hard and being obedient so that's what counts. I love ya and i hope you have a great week!
Elder Morris
PS: I"ll be eagerly awaiting the package!
PPSS: Elder Nelson i'm also excited to get your letter! Hope things are going well for ya and Matt, I love reading your emails too. Keep doing great.
PPPSSS: Pictures! Just random ones from today's expedition. The one with the kid in the red shirt is Elder Hoepel!
August 23, 2010
Good Afternoon!
Last week was sooooo crazy. Heavenly Father was definitely testing my patience and faith. The last couple days in the office were way hectic. It was transfer week so we had to deal with all that, a missionary had a heart attack, i had to say goodbye to people in San Juan, and then I was thrown in Barbados! Haha. It was ridiculous. Sometimes all i could do was shake my head and say to my self "i can't believe it." Sometimes I wish i could just have a day to sleep. But no can do.
Alright. Here's the situation in Barbados. 4 areas. Black Rock, Christ's Church, Oistins, and St. Phillip. Black rock is where I am. It's on the west coast but we cover about half of the island. all of the northern part of the island and the west side of the southern part of the island. Gorgeous beaches, but economically, not doing very well. The people love alcohol and parties. Just like everywhere else in the caribbean. My companion is Elder Hoepel. He's from Suriname. This is his 2nd transfer. He is doing great though. I don't have a picture of him to send. Sorry. Next week I will. Also I don't have any pictures really at all of Barbados. Haven't had time to take any. Our apartment is nice. Big but no Air conditioning. Some of the members in Curepe, in Trinidad, served their missions in Barbados and said that if i want to get anything done it's through member work. Otherwise it's a lot of tracting and contacting. The first two days not going to lie were very hard on me. Felt like Abinidi with the people of King Noah. (that's where i'm at right now in the BOM so it's on my mind). Elder Hoepel and his last companion didn't do any member work really so they don't know where any members live. And they aren't really teaching any investigators. They baptized 2 great people though that we're teaching the new member lessons to. Janis, and Gopaul. Janis is about 50 and seems just like an old time member. She is way awesome. Gopaul is guyanese and can't read and write so that's kinda difficult. Anyways, so those first two days here were basically spent walking around the streets talking to anyone we could all day. Only taught a couple lessons. We kept at it though and Friday and Saturday were great days. We set a couple baptisms dates, one of which came to church on Sunday. Friend of Janis'. His name is Peterson. He's cool and wants to get baptized. He is already reading the book of mormon too. That's about it for our work though this past week. Tough start but we're getting the ball rolling.
It was pretty tough on me mentally those first days in Barbados. I just prayed more than i have in a long time. I asked what i should do to feel good about the transfer. To feel the spirit more. To be given the strength and courage to continue. My answer came. I felt specifically "FEAST". I began to read the BOM more than i ever have on my whole mission. So basically my whole life. Every chance I get i'm reading. I love it. Then came the peace and strength that i needed. A lot of prayers and a lot of study. My mind began to push out those thoughts and I'm doing great now. I'm way happy. The work is way tougher here than any other place i've been on my mission but things are going to be great.
I have to go now, wish i could write more and answer more of your questions but i can't. I love you all and thank you for all you do.
Elder Morris
August 16, 2010
Hey everyone!
This week was not productive! Here's some reasons why. Elder Vaea had an emergency Monday night and we took him to the hospital. He is good now though but he wasn't allowed to go out and work until Friday so we were inside at the office doing stuff all week. Then the new office elder, Elder Ackerman came here on Saturday and I trained him in there all day. So basically, that last week flew by and now I'm flying to Barbados Wednesday afternoon. I'm way excited for that. This next transfer is going to be a fun one. I'll actually get to go out every single day and do some quality work. I am going to miss this though. I've learned tons from President Gamiette and I've matured and grown a lot (spiritually, not physically). It's been a thrill being so close to all the action. Talking to the Zone leaders every week, sometimes more. I'm gonna miss this area a lot. Fantastic members. However it's not as bad as I thought. After church yesterday I told a few people I was leaving and it's not that big of a deal. In Guyana it's different because for some I'm the only missionary they knew. But here longtime members for 10+ years have seen many missionaries. It's not hard to leave, really. Dorris and Rita will be sorely missed. Their after church lunches then all the members that'd teach with us are awesome.
Church was crazy yesterday. They were starting it and only like 20 people were here. So Bishop decided to change Sacrament to the last meeting and have priesthood/relief society first. It actually worked great. President Gamiette taught Gospel Principles. That was amazing. Taught about sacrifice and how we need to put the things that are holding us back on the altar and become more sacred by doing so. It was really sweet. Then in Sacrament Meeting, Keisha, our recent convert, who was called to be the Relief Society Secretary gave a talk on the Sacrament and the importance of it. Baptized for just 1 month she was teaching everybody about the baptismal covenant and what it means, how we honor the sabbath and all this great stuff about the sacrament. It was definitely great to see. She is learning a lot and is becoming more and more converted.
Wow I almost forgot to write about the coolest thing that did happen this week. Tuesday. Zone Conference. Elder Coleman of the 70 taught us the whole time. It was absolutely grand. He taught us all about the power and authority that comes along with this calling. I was grateful just to be present for all of it. I learned so much. He told a lot of amazing stories that I wrote down and I can tell you all in several months in person. Hah. Don't worry. I'm not too trunky. I was privliged to take him to the airport and pick him up and drive President and his wife, the Ap's, and the Colemans around on several occasions. It was really cool. He definitely is on a higher spiritual plane than most people I've met. He's an amazing example. So yeah that was a cool experience.
That's basically it for me though. Not much else to report. Transfer is bittersweet. I will miss this place a lot... I won't be very close to everything that goes on in the mission. It feels way weird... But change is good and now I get to learn even more. I love the work, I'm happy with everything and I hope things are going well at home.
Love, Elder Morris
PS: Here's some requests for the package.
Large Bag of Werther's hard candy, mike and ike's, sour patch kids, that's about it for candy. Pictures from home, maybe a couple pairs of socks, A couple quality pens.. Just some Ideas. Beef Jerky!
August 9, 2010
Good Afternoon!
This past week has been pretty great. I'm happy so that's always good. I'm pretty dang sure I'm going to Barbados next week. So expect some gorgeous beach within the month!
This morning/last night was crazy. The AP's, President and Sister Gamiette, and Elder and Sister Coleman of the 1st Quorum of the 70 were flying in last night at 8:30. We were picking them up. We get a call saying that the plane was delayed. So we waited at the office until 1:30. Their plane finally got here and so we picked them up. Now, remember I learned how to drive stick 3 months ago. And the bus I'm driving is a huge Toyota Hiace. Feel like I'm driving a school bus. The clutch is really sensitive so it's a bit jumpy if you're not perfect in every shift. Well President said to me as we were leaving the airport, "drive smoothly Elder Morris". Haha i just said, "President, I am doing my best." I was so dang nervous. Not every day you drive around a general authority.
We had a really cool experience Saturday. We went by a part member family/less actives in the morning. The wife's husband, Clyde, was the only one home. In his past he was a spiritual baptist (shouter baptist). He left the faith and his family met the missionaries a few years ago. They were all baptized but him. Usually he never talks to us, never listens, etc. We just started talking with him. Trying to figure out what he really needed and wanted in his life. And we asked if we could sit down and share a message with him. We sat down and started teaching him about the gospel and baptism and things like that, because he did want to change and he does want to know the truth. He was very open in the lesson. He told us all of the things that have kept him from the faith and we committed him to begin searching again. We asked if we could come over regularly and help him prepare for baptism, help him find the truth. He agreed and we invited him to pray right then and there. We all knelt down on the floor and he said a prayer. It was great. He asked for help and guidance to know if it's the truth or not, and for the motivation to change. The spirit was present and it felt great. We told his wife about the experience at church the next day. She was floored! She was shocked that he actually willingly listened and had a lesson with us. She looked like she was going to fall over she was so surprised. She was so happy. I thought it was such a great thing! Even if he doesn't progress towards baptism, because he has a long ways to go, he will get there, and he is progressing. It was great to be a part of that. Who knows what would have happened if we just left when we saw it was just him there.
Our investigators really haven't been progressing too much lately. We found a lot of new people though this week. We had fun. We took a member kid, Cameron, out with us on Friday night. We just were calling into houses and we taught 3 lessons, and found 5 new people. It was a fun night. One of the guys we taught seems cool. It's funny, you can get a lot of new investigators here, but quality ones are far and in between. Taught a cool guy named Brandon on Sunday with Brother Phillips though. He wants to know the truth. He's a single parent and has 5 kids. He said he is going to come visit the church this upcoming Sunday. Even though we were in the office again this week a lot, we got a lot done out in the field and I was way happy. Never had a bad day, really. I'm happy.
Things are great here though. I'm gonna miss Trinidad but I'm excited to get out and see the rest of the mission. I am glad things are going well at home. Sounds like the kids are quite a handful, a fun handful at least. haha.
I love ya!
Elder Morris
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Hey everyone -
Some news, I'm with Elder Vaea now. Elder Miles and him switched places and he's now in Sangre Grande. A good switch. Now they can get work done in Sangre Grande. Elder Vaea is from Tonga. He's a convert and way tight. He learned english in Guyana so he sounds just like a guyanese which talk really bad creolese.
This morning was pretty crazy. We had to take the Guyana Zone Leaders to the airport at 3 AM this morning. I woke up like 8 times in the night because I was worried we'd not make it on time. We got em there on time though. Thus I am way tired right now. These past few days were pretty fun. Basically did errands for the AP's and President cause it was Zone Leader Council and all the ZL's in the mission were here. Made for long nights and few lessons taught. But it worked out good. Like for example I wasn't at my ward this past Sunday. We had to go to the one near the airport because we picked up Elder Noah at 8:50 on Sunday Morning and barely got there in time for sacrament. It was fun to have all of them here. I got to see a lot of mission buddies that i hadn't seen in a long time. It was a blast.
Things are going pretty good for us. Remember how I said Natalie and Prince were avoiding us? We actually taught them 2 times this past weekend. Prince isn't too interested but Natalie still wants to be baptized really bad. She's reading the BOM every day which is a great sign.
Overall things are great. I'm happy with everything. But I don't have any more time so I'll write more next week. Gotta go to correlation.
Love ya!

Disappointments out of the way first. 1. Natalie and Prince, our "sweet" investigators fell through. We can't figure out what happened. I'm guessing she got into some anti or heard some stuff but they haven't let us teach them since that last sunday. Well i guess that's our only disappointment. that and none of our investigators came to church. We're still working with some promising people but yeah it wasn't too cool.
I don't really get the word "disappointment." It's not like when something good happens to us we say "dang that was a great appointment." Unless you're being sarcastic about a bad doctor's appointment or something which is something I would say.
Mom you asked about some info in your letter. First, the AP's right now are Elder Damm and Elder Stewart. Elder Damm is going home in a month and is way cool. I like him a lot. They're still living in our apartment. Elder Olsen and Elder Lang are in other areas but in the same zone still. So that's why i still mention them. We're all pretty good friends.
We tried to get some work going on Saturday, our only day to get out there for a whole day and get some work done. We taught 2 lessons and had an epic fail. A bunch of our appointments fell through and then President called with a bunch of stuff we had to do before he and the AP's flew to Barbados for the weekend. Wonderful. so the week's teaching was alright. We found a lot of new people but weren't able to progress them. We're still working though. Our investigators now are pretty cool but they're very skeptical and very timid about what we've taught them. Our big focus will be on getting them to church this week.
Sunday was a glorious day. Church was cool. One of our eternal investigators, amos' aunt that comes every other week, brought her daughter and fiance. They're way cool and now are being taught by the Curepe missionaries. Sweet. We showed up to Dorris and Rita's and found ourselves smack-dab in the middle of a Thanksgiving feast. We were way surprised. I can't believe they do all this. I mean even if we didn't come they'd still cook just cause they love food but they spoil us too much. Turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, gravy, salad, cranberry sauce, rolls, plantain, It was a fantastic meal. Then I brought stuff to bake cookies with so we hurried and whipped some delicious cookies up for dessert. All of our appointments fell through... again...
P-day was sweet. Elder Lang and Powers from Arima came over and stayed the night. We woke up and drove to Maracas beach in the morning. Some played football while a few of us went and explored, threw rocks at vultures that were chillin by the fishing boats. Then we all played some ultimate frisbee. Elder Prince and I took some sweet pictures, got "Richard's Bake and Shark", then called it a day.
Then yesterday we were blessed tremendously by the Child's. The auditing senior couple here. They invited us over for dinner so we could fix their computer and printer, and the AP's were invited as well. Roast beef (almost as good as mom's), gravy, mashed potatoes, dinner rolls, steamed broccoli, and fruit salad. Then mango ice cream and homemade brownies for dessert. Too bad this doesn't happen regularly. And sorry if this comes off as bragging, I was just way happy about it. Haha.
things are going pretty good with me. I'm learning tons, applying more, and feeling pretty dang good about life and the gospel. I know it's true and won't ever look back. I couldn't ask for more. (except the new journal i need).
I love you all and thanks for the letters and support you've all given me.
Elder Morris
PS: It's so crazy that all these girls back home are getting married! First Dani, Abbey Maughan, Bridget, Kelli, now Karen?? Those are fantastic women and I'm way excited for them. Congrats!